How To Become A Member
The Rye Society is always looking for artists to become members and we want to support diversity and encourage the many wonderful artists who live within a 15 mile radius of Rye. We are proud to be an artists-led organisation and we work together to put on one of the best annual shows in the region.

RSA Selection Process and Criteria:
In 2023, the Fred Cuming Shortlist was introduced by the RSA in memory of our highly respected and deeply missed member. Fred Cuming RA was well known for his ongoing support and encouragement of artists. The Society wanted to devise a way to recognise outstanding work by non-members selected for the RSA Summer Exhibition and felt it would be fitting to name the shortlist after Fred.
Each year the RSA committee votes on a new Fred Cuming Shortlist from the Summer Show entrants. Hanging space permitting, the successful artists are given the opportunity to exhibit with the Society as part of the following Spring Show, currently held at the Rye Art Gallery.
If there are vacancies for new RSA members, then the artists from the Fred Cuming shortlist will be voted on by the full RSA membership at the AGM. Consideration will be given to the RSA selection criteria to maintain a high calibre of work, a balance of disciplines and a committed and active membership.
Unsuccessful shortlisted artists remain eligible for further shortlists in subsequent years, subject to their artwork being accepted for the Summer Exhibition.
For full membership criteria, please see below:
Considerations and Criteria for Nominating New Members:
- The size of the current society and its capacity for new members
- The demonstration of a consistently high standard of work. The presentation and display considerations for the work are also considered
- Fulfilling any category needs for Painters/Printmakers/Sculptors/Ceramic Artists as required to maintain a balance of work in the RSA
- The willingness/ability of the proposed new member to be an active part of the society
- The artist’s sales records for past and current RSA Summer Shows
- Maintaining diversity within the membership